The ancient bedouin city of petra is one of the seven wonders of the world, and it lives up to all to the expectation that this label produces. To walk from the entrance to the beginning of the city is around 3km's through eery valleys, and once you arrive the first thing you run into is the Treasury. This spectacle carved into the rock, made famous by Indiana Jones, is unbeleivable to see in the flesh (or in the stone). Over two days we (I met a fun english couple who i toured with in petra) walked up and down mountains, through valleys, and around millenium old carvings.
During one of our more ambitious climbs, we decided to take a shortcut down the cliff, as it looked quite accesible. Halfway down we realised it was probably unacheivable to get down, after which we also realised we wouldnt be able to make it back up. After a stressful few minutes we were rescued by a Bedouin boy, who guided us down the mountain, not without difficulty though. Once at the bottom we were battered, scratched and bruised, but alive and grateful for it.
At the top of one of the mountain's we ran into a few Bedouins who were living in a cave and invited us in. They made us tea and mash potatoes with goat butter, and we sat through lunch listening to the "wise" man's philosophies on life, his most prominent of which was "Time is your enemy, if time controls you, than you have no control of yourself"
After each day we had a drink in the worlds oldest bar, built in a carved cave from 100 BC